Apr 4, 2011

Custom Shop: Wyn Guitars

by kevin johnson
Wyn Guitars is a one-man custom bass shop run by Randy Fullmer, a man with a healthy obsession for exotic woods. An artist at heart, Fullmer got his his start as a luthier at an early age before becoming an animator and producer for Disney. He eventually returned to building instruments, switching to exclusively making basses.

Fullmer just finished moving into a new shop when we got a hold of him to get his perspective on bass building.

How did you get your start building basses?

I started building guitars when I was 12 years old because my parents wouldn’t let me buy a 12 string. They told me I had a guitar. Yes, I explained, I have a 6-string but I also want a 12-string. “No go” said my parents, so I threw them the ultimate curve ball and asked if I could buy the wood and build my own. They were dumbstruck at this request and just couldn’t say no. Somehow I figured out how to build it with a bit of help from a cool fiddle and guitar maker named Tom who my guitar teacher introduced me to, and the rest is history. It was the best magic trick ever, and I built another 30 guitars by the time I was 18.

I then went to art school and had a nice career at the Walt Disney Company as an animator and producer, but one day I realized I had done that long enough and that I wanted to go back to guitar building. I’m leaving out a lot of history in the name of not taking up too much space, but when I made my luthier re-entry, I decided on basses for some pretty clear reasons. I like bass players – they are by and large very nice guys. They are interested in an individual instrument, not just an old Les Paul or an old Strat, and for me, the tone woods have a much larger impact on the sound of a bass than on a guitar. The fantastic hardwoods that I use and their tone properties are my biggest interest and focus. So about five years ago, I launched Wyn Guitars and began exclusively building basses.

So you were originally a guitarist. What drew you to the bass?

I have always liked bass. When teamed with a great drummer, it always felt like the engine. I remember hearing my first band that had a truly great bass player. I couldn’t figure out where that cool sound was coming from. It was so integrated with the kick drum that I went back and forth trying to figure out what was what. From that point on, I realized that all the great bands that I really wanted to hear had a great bass player. It’s the foundation that everything else is built on.

What is the concept behind your designs?

Boy, that’s a million dollar question. I don’t know that I have one brilliant answer for this one. I wish I did.

I have a bit of a Zen approach to building basses. I once spent three days dissecting all the discrete steps for me to build a bass. I came up with 360 steps. So to me, you have 360 chances to mess up! You also have 360 chances to do things right, concentrating on each one until it’s great. Then you move on to the next.

I can talk about visual design and unexpected wood patterning and breaking the traditional silhouette for hours. So visually, although there are many ergonomic reasons for the basic Leo Fender shape, it is great to bring a fresh look to a bass by breaking rules. Like not book matching a top just because everyone else does. Ultimately, the quality of the whole is determined by every individual component. I build these bass guitars completely by myself for that reason. I want to know every single step and how it was accomplished and never settle for any step having been just okay. The design, the shaping, the electronics, the hardware, the multiple wood choices, and the laminating process are all component parts of the whole. I guess after answering all of this, what I should have said in the first place is that my design philosophy is really that making a great bass comes about when you get every step in the process right.

On your website, you have a decent glossary of exotic woods. What is your favorite wood to use and why?

These are tough questions. That’s like asking a mother which one of her kids is her favorite and why? Okay, the answer is Wenge! To heck with all those other woods!

No, it’s Ziricote, that’s my favorite!

The truth of the matter is, to build a great bass – the way I go about it anyway – is like a stew with great ingredients, including great spices. Everything is in balance. I love Wenge because there is a hugeness, a clarity, an attitude and a bark that I have never gotten from any other wood. But I usually tame it with African Mahogany or a warm fret board, or Eastern Rock Maple in the neck to balance the lows with more brightness.

To me, a successful bass is one that is really versatile. It’s loaded with useable tone. It slaps and pops in a nasty biting way and then can sound pristine bell clear in the upper highs and play a melodic ballad. If the electronics are right and the wood is combined in the right proportion, you should be able to get a great range. Every wood that I use has a tonal property that’s unique to that wood, and we haven’t even gone into the visual aspect. If there is a medical condition known as wood-a-holic, I am very much in need of the treatment. It is unbelievably hard for me to pass up a beautiful piece of wood. FOR MORE CLICK HERE

Apr 1, 2011

tunecore - music & video distribution

Babbling Twin Babies a Hit on YouTube

A blogging mom landed 15 minutes of fame for her twin baby boys.

Her two-minute YouTube video simply titled “twin baby boys have a conversation” is approaching two million views and has been shown on news outlets around the world.

Everyone just wants to know: what are her cute little boys saying?

In the video, the two kids can be seen standing in a kitchen, wearing nothing but diapers. They’re babbling back and forth, but taking turns at it, almost like they’re debating something serious. Could it be politics? Personal finances?

You’ll have to watch for yourself to find out.

On her blog , the mom writes, “We’ve had a fascinating time seeing language blooming around here.”

“The debate video of the boys’ has REALLY caught on! In a truly overnight, head spinning way. See the piece on ABC News. We are taking a moment to breathe before deciding how far to let this 15 minutes go.”

lols..watch them on youtube!!

Mar 27, 2011



In the late 1970s, the clear, full and powerful SWR bass sound existed only in the mind of company founder Steve W. Rabe. He simply thought that bass amps should sound better, and he envisioned a bass sound that would satisfy the needs of professional players at the highest level.

He visited studios, asking the pros working in Los Angeles what they thought.

“They all just pointed their fingers at the studio monitors and said, ‘Make a bass amp sound like that, ‘cause that’s what a bass is supposed to sound like,’" Rabe said. "So that meant hi-fi, clean, full range.”

With that ideology, SWR was born.

The SWR sound was brought to life after a painstakingly long research process in which designers tried out many different electronic circuits for the preamp, the tone circuit, the power amp and everything in between. After repeated listening sessions with Los Angeles session bassists, SWR's first “hybrid” full-range bass amplifier, the PB-200™ (later to become the SM-400), appeared in 1984. The first five units were made in a garage.

There was nothing on the market like it. The PB-200 had a warm but highly accurate tube preamp, a stereo solid-state power amp and a low-noise, integrated circuit-driven tone section. It was used for the famous “We Are The World” session, at which a direct-input signal was taken from the amp (as opposed to using a direct box), a then unheard-of bass recording concept. Word spread quickly.

Pros raved about SWR features such as semi-parametric EQ, side-chain effects loops and the Aural Enhancer™ tone-shaping circuit, all of which made for fantastic studio sounds. But what about on stage?

The full-range response of the amp required a speaker cabinet equal to the task, so designers started searching for the right speakers, the right cabinet porting and the right crossover point. In 1986, the unleashed the result: the Goliath™. It was the first of its kind—a 4x10 full-range speaker cabinet with a horn tweeter. To this day, it is the most copied speaker cabinet on the market.

1987 saw the introduction of the Redhead™ combo amp. The Redhead 2x10 and its current upgraded version, the Super Redhead, are often requested by engineers and session players and have appeared on literally thousands of recordings. Their 2x10 plus horn-tweeter configuration became another industry standard as SWR's popularity continued to spread nationwide.

The next decade saw a flurry of groundbreaking product development. The SM-900™, a 900-watt powerhouse, became an instant classic upon its 1991 introduction, and remains one of the world's most popular backline amplifiers. The Baby Blue™ combo amp redefined tonal definition for acoustic bassists. The Goliath Senior™ 6x10 pumped 1,000 watts and introduced an easily portable tilt-back design. Boutique cabinets like the Henry The 8x8™ threw convention out the window, showing that you could get the killer punch of a smaller speaker array and still reproduce frequencies down to 37Hz.

In the late '90s, with consumer demand skyrocketing, SWR introduced its first value-driven line, the Workingman’s® Series. A broader range of bassists could now get the famous SWR sound with simplified features. The Workingman’s 15 combo amp, with more than 20,000 units sold, became the most successful product in SWR history. The California Blonde™ acoustic guitar amp, one of the most popular such amps on the market among professionals, made its debut.

The late '90’s also saw the birth of a new class of SWR amplifier—the Bass 750™. It had a mono-block power configuration and simpler controls, but it was faithful to the SWR Sound. And it was loud.

Also during this period, it had become clear to SWR that it wasn't only jazz and session players who wanted "that sound"—many rock bass players wanted the clarity and trueness of SWR. The company gave them what they wanted in the form of the Megoliath™ 8x10 cabinet, a 1,200-watt monster that was incredibly loud, but crystal-clear. And when the speaker cabinet grills went chrome, a new trademark visual for SWR was born.

Today, more than 20 years after those first five units were made in a garage, SWR products remain true to the original spirit of the company, with the highest standards of quality. SWR's classic products are still manufactured and tested in southern California, less than 75 miles away from their birthplace. They're built with the same parts and often by the same people who’ve built and tested them for more than 10 years.

The tradition of innovation continues today stronger than ever, and SWR remains faithful to its full-range, high-fidelity and ultra-clean roots. It’s all part of SWR's continued commitment to bassists who seek equipment that not only does the job, but also actually enhances their overall musical experience, contributes to their creative process and amplifies their future!
SWR official website

Mar 23, 2011

Actress Elizabeth Taylor has died, age 79

Elizabeth Taylor, the violet-eyed film goddess whose sultry screen persona, stormy personal life and enduring fame and glamour made her one of the last of the old-fashioned movie stars and a template for the modern celebrity, died Wednesday at age 79.

She died of congestive heart failure at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she had been hospitalized for about six weeks, said publicist Sally Morrison.

She was surrounded by her four children when she died. “My mother was an extraordinary woman who lived life to the fullest, with great passion, humor, and love,“ her son, Michael Wilding, said in a statement.

”We know, quite simply, that the world is a better place for Mom having lived in it. Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us, and her love will live forever in our hearts.”

click here for more..

World’s Most Luxurious Celebrity Homes

With celebrity life comes fame and fortune, something most A-listers use to splash out on cars, plastic surgery and every fad going. However some of these high flyers take the more extravagant option; spend millions on a home and refurbish it inside and out. MORE...

Mar 22, 2011

28 Songs You Know The Words To (But Are Too Ashamed To Admit It)

Few things are more difficult to resist than singing along, loud and proud, to a favorite tune, but there are those songs that you can only hope come up on shuffle when no one else is around to hear them. Below are some of our favorite guilty pleasure songs collected from the past 40 years.

Do you have some favorite shameful indulgences that didn't make the list? Hit the comments section below, and let us know. CLICK HERE FOR MORE...

Mar 20, 2011

The Bass Family

SA Bassists With Martin Simpson: South Africa’s Premier Bass Family, the Askes
by martin simpson

As the whole World’s eyes are on South Africa (due to the Soccer World Cup), during June and July, I thought I’d do something a little different for this particular ish, by Interviewing no less than FOUR bassists…….all from the Same Family!!!!!! The Askes family is probably South Africa’s Premier Bass family with Bert and younger brother Dave and Dave’s two sons, Quintin and Miles all living the Low-Ender life. I spoke to Dave briefly at the tail end of last year about my idea to interview the four of them and he was quite keen on the idea so I set about the task almost immediately. Bert was the first to take up bass, followed by Dave and then Quintin and Miles. This is what they told me. MORE

Mar 14, 2011

Aguilar Amplification

Bass Pedal,Bass Preamps,Bass Amplifiers and Bass Speaker Cabinets. CLICK IMAGE

Mar 13, 2011

Zailan Razak Project (ZRP)

Entertainment & Arts - Performing Arts

FACEBOOK ---> click here

Mar 12, 2011

Slipknot Announces Touring Bassist

With a handful of European dates lined up for the summer, Slipknot has announced that Donnie Steele will be acting as touring bassist in place of the late Paul Gray. The news came as a statement on the band’s website, explaining that Steele is the best fit since he was a founding guitarist in the band and was close to Paul.more...

Mar 11, 2011

All Bass. No treble



For Bass Players Only

Is Pia Toscano The Next American Idol?

Last week, when it was first revealed that "American Idol" contestant Pia Toscano would be singing last on the top 12 girls' show, in the "pimp spot" usually strategically saved for the producers' favorites, it was a surprise. Pia had received precious little screentime up until then, and probably wasn't on many viewers' radars. But obviously the "Idol" powers-that-be knew what they were doing. Pia's star-making performance of the Pretenders' "I'll Stand By You" brought down the house (garnering the season's first standing ovation from the judges), and instantly established her as a frontrunner. And last night her "Idol" ascendance continued, with her powerhouse performance of "All By Myself" making her one of the most-queried "Idol" contestants today in Yahoo! Search. Over the past 24 hours, Pia's searches have spiked a whopping 516 percent, and she's currently among Yahoo's top 2,000 overall search terms....CLICK HERE FOR MORE..

Mar 9, 2011

Ex-Alice In Chains Bassist Mike Starr Found Dead

Former Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr was found dead Tuesday afternoon (March 8).

TMZ reports that police found Starr's body in a Salt Lake City, Utah, house at 1:42 p.m. He was 44 years old.

A co-founding member of the pioneering Seattle grunge band, Starr appeared on VH1's "Celebrity Rehab" in 2009. He was arrested last month for felony possession of a controlled substance. Salt Lake City police said he had several painkillers on him when he was arrested. Alice in Chains have written heart-wrenching and evocative songs about drug addiction...

Click Here For More...

Feb 7, 2011


Iron Maiden's gonna fly to Singapore - in style

By Victoria Barker

METALHEADS, brace yourselves: British heavy-metal legends Iron Maiden will finally play a long-overdue gig in Singapore.

The concert - part of the band's 2011 Final Frontier World Tour - will take place on Feb 15 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, organisers LAMC Productions said in a statement yesterday. CLICK HERE FOR MORE..

GARY MOORE is dead

Gary Moore, former guitarist for Thin Lizzy, passed away Sunday in Southern Spain, the BBC reported Sunday.

The cause of death has yet to be determined, but Adam Parsons, who manages Thin Lizzy, told BBC News that Moore had died in the early hours of Sunday morning.


Feb 4, 2011

Cool Stuff...

Learn the Funk electric guitar lesson rhythm and strumming..CLICK HERE

Jan 14, 2011

Zham Lucan (Biography) Session Bass Player



Birth Of Date                     
March 22, 1974

Place Of Birth                    

BASS (major instrument)
guitar, percussions, arranger,programmer, song writer/composer, producer.


Kajang Primary School, Selangor. 1981-1983

Batu 9 Cheras Primary School, Selangor1984-1986

La Salle Secondary School, P.J, Selangor. 1987- 1991

Yayasan Selangor Boarding School, K.L 1987-1991

Yamaha Music School 1990-1991

Mensa Inst. Of Art (Dip. in graphic and fine arts) 1992-1995.

One year personal program of Musical Arrangement
Studies with Mohd. Rafi Musical Director and Producer,Conductor and  Arranger for 
Nara Philharmonic Orchestra,Osaka, Japan.

Experience  : 25 years.

Studio works & Live Performances,

Some College Bands 1993
Colleges events and functions.

Apple Green (Ponycanyon, band/album-gigs/showcase)) 1994-1996
Club gigs and showcases.

Kharizma (clubs, showband)

W.E.B(Psychic Scream Records, album/independent) 1996-1999
Club gigs and events.

Krazee  (clubs showband)

NightLife Camera (project band) 1998
-An independent project with Lim Jit Woei on vocal, Along Exist on gutar, Ujang Exist on drum and Zham on bass.
-Album and showcases

The Extremist (independent band-gigs/functions) 1996-1998

B4B (independent band-gigs/functions)

Echo (independent band-gigs/functions)

SEARCH ( BMG Records, album-Selepas Banjir) 1998-1999
Singapore 1999,showcase all over Malaysia.
Concerts and club showcase all over Singapore.
Club gigs in Phuket, Thailand.
Guiness Malaysia Book Of Records, Rock Marathon.
RIM Music Fair.
Appeared in several local tv programs such as Astro, TV3 and RTM and some local
Concert with Dragon Malaya and Awie Wings at Bukit Jalil Stadium.
Millenium Concert at For Canning, Singapore, 2000.

RAMPAGE (Rampage At Work Production, band/album) 2000-2005.
A project band with the former drummer of the legendary Malaysian Rock Band
Search’, Yazit Ahmad.
Album was recorded in 2000 at Synchosound Studio.
Showcases & concerts all over Malaysia.
Appeared in several local tv programs such as Astro, TV3 and RTM and some local
Club gigs.
The Big Show, Shah Alam 2002.
F1 Grand Prix Sepang showcase 2002.

Guitaristories Concerts at the Backroom at 2006.

SINGLETRACKMIND @ STM ( Fat Boy Production, albums/sessions/song writings)
1 st album ‘No Reason’ (recording).
1 st album was recorded at Synchrosound Studio.
Hard Rock Café Asia Tour 2003-2004, Hong Kong, China (Beijing, Shanghai), Phillipines
(Manila, Makati), Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta),Thailand(Bangkok, Pattaya), Singapura.
Guest Appearance for Cokelat (Indonesian band) ESSEnsuality party Hard Rock, Jakarta.
Rock The World 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Musiccanteen Charity Tour, all over Malaysia.
Opening Act for Deep Purple Concert at Fort Canning, Singapore 2004.
Malaysia Tour 2003-2004, all over Malaysia.
2 nd album ‘Hey’ (Fat Boy Production, album/recording).
2 nd album was recorded at Henson Studio, Los Angeles, Rekage Studio, California,
Interscope Studio, Hollywood, USA
, produced by Bob Koszela and engineered by Julian

Concerts, club gigs & showcase all over Malaysia.
AIM Music Awards.
Appeared in several local tv programs such as Astro, TV3 and RTM and some local
Opening Act for INXS Concert at Stadium Negara, August 2006.
(Hey.) STM Indonesia Tour 2007, A Mild Live Soundrenaline (Surabaya, Bali), Ex Plaza
(Jakarta), Hard Rock Café (Bali, Jakarta), Score! Chi Walk (Bandung).
(Hey.) STM Malaysia Tour 2007 all over city in Malaysia.
Rainforest Music Festival at Damai, Kuching, Sarawak 2008.

Deja Voodoo Spells (sessions for the band) 2004-2005
band’s showcases and albums.
Appetite For Re-Construction. A tribute show for the rock and roll band ‘Guns ‘N’ Roses’ at the Emporium Grand CafĂ©, May 2003.
Showcases around Kuala Lumpur.

Pretty Ugly (sessions for the band)
Album, Rockaholic’. Hit single Diari Seorang Lelaki.
band’s showcases and albums.
Musiccanteen Charity Tour.
Muzik-Muzik TV3.
Guess appearance for Rentak Juara RTM,2006.
AIM Music Awards.
Appeared in several local tv programs such as Astro, TV3 and RTM and some local magazines.

M-Pire (Life Records, sessionist for album and showcases)
A project of the former ex member of the group XPDC, Ali on vocal, album was  produced by Mr. Trabye.
Guess appearance for Rentak Juara, RTM 2006 and some local performances.

X3-MIST (independent project album)
Opening Act for Tony and Guy Hair Fashion Show, Subang, November 2007.

Projek Pistol 2009 (bassist)
A recent project band under Neo Magik.
Recording in progress for the 1st album with the line ups of Edrie Hashim on guitar,    Zham on bass, Boy on vocal and Pa’e on drum.
Appeared in several local tv programs such as Astro, TV3 and RTM and local mass media.
Kuala Lumpur Sunburst Music Festival 21st March 2009, a live performance with some local artist/ band and a few international bands as Coldplay, Korn, Nerds and more.
RTM Events at Kuantan on 26th March 2009, live performance for the local tv program HITS 1 Final.
Malaysian Bands Unplugged Live at Istana Budaya, 19 April 2009 with local bands such as Bunkface, O.A.G. etc.
Radio Rosak Concert Tour, a live concert with some local independent bands. Johor (Stadium M.B.J.B, Johor Bahru, featuring Amy Search in Pasir Gudang, Malacca, Trengganu)
International Paint Ball Competition. Live performance with Nurul, Orang (former O.A.G band members).
Stomping Sabah, live in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 31st December 2009.
Exclusive interviews with local press, media and broadcasting telecast.
Ambank Event.
Acoustic Show At Laman Sari, Istana Budaya on April 2nd 2010.
Hot FM Road Tour, 2011.
Album Launch At Hard Rock Café, Kuala Lumpur, May 2010.
Semi-Final Muzik-Muzik, TV3.

Borneo Tour, live performances in Tawau, Kota Kinabalu, Sibu, Miri & Kuching.
Nominated for AIM Best New Artist and Best Rock Song, 2011. Live performances
for AIM Road Tour Promo all over Peninsular Malaysia.
Opening Acts For The Legendary Malaysian Rock Band ‘SEARCH’, live
performances in Penang, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur.
Representing Malaysia for
Asia Pop Music Festival 2012.

More performances/sessions:

Amy Search and Ella
(as back up musician/sessionist)
Closing Act for Guess Fashion Show, Electric Stardust at Zouk, 2006.

Farihin (as back up musician/sessionist)
Al-Ameen Theatrical Showcase, events and functions with the nasyid group
Brothers’, 2005.

Edrie Hashim (as back up musician/sessionist for studio works, programming)

Zur Eda and J.Sham for Anti Dadah Malaysia events (as back up musician/sessionist)

Awan (as back up musician/sessionist for the band)
Events, functions and showcase.

KRU (as back up musician/sessionist)
KRU krujaan concert at Dataran Merdeka, K.L, 2004.

Pre-Melodic (NSR Records, band, album/recording) 2004

Boboy (NSR Records, band, album/recording) 2004

Akar (band, album/recording) 2004

Jit Woei - independent artist (solo, album/recording) 2001

Tosai, a project by Life Records, 1995

Diva, (female duet, album/recording) 1996

Agony (Ponycanyon, album/recording) 1993

Charity Concert ‘Palestine In Our Heart’ Part 3, 2 nd Feb 2009
(as back up musician, sessionist) with the former singer of the nasyid group Raihan,
Ustadz Nazri and friends.

Sanggar Theater Fauziah Nawi, Stefani Sdn. Bhd.
Malam Drama 7 Duri, August 2008.
Producer for Sanggar Theater Groups independent album.

Capoeira Angola Martial Art Group Malaysia (capoeiristas/martial artist, percussionist) 2003-2007.
A group of Capoeira Angola Malaysia lead by Meastre Ahmad Qadir Firdaus, for martial arts showcases and events.

Zubira (independent album-sessions for studio works and stage performances)

Stellar (sessions for studio works and stage performances)

Ebi (AF) (album-producer, arranger, musician, programmer)-A debut album, co-produce with Ebi himself for recording sessions, arranger, musician.

Commercial & Jingles, Theme Songs & Montage, Broadcast TV programs & Corporate videos, Songs Editing, Engineered Mixing and Mastering.
(as producer, arranger, musician, programmer, musical editor)

Laman, The Malaysia International Landscape Garden Festival 2008 (Rhythm Nature), a theme song by courtesy of Sanggar Group Of Theater, July 2008 for radio commercial, corporate video.
Sehati Berdansa 2nd Season Nov-Dec 2008, Astro ( MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems Sdn. Bhd)
-a reality show of dance competitions with the local celebrities (husband and wife) as competitors.

Ku Mahu, short film final project by Siti Noor Fateha, a Malaysian student whom studies in England for film directing under the scholarship of Astro (FDAM), for theme song and soundscapes.

Pyrotechnica (Fireworks for festive seasons, producer, arranger, musician, programmer)
-Music recording, editing and programming for the opening of events, along the show and the closing sections.

Lagu Untuk Teman for Anti Dadah Malaysia, (producer, arranger, programmer and musician)-a song recorded for the Anti Dadah Malaysia for government events.

Pesan Dari Al-Baqarah, (mixing and mastering) a song by Usop Kopratasa, arranged by Mohd. Rafi for government events.

Independence Day, Album-Musume by Mohd. Rafi. A song composed, arranged and recorded by Mohd.Rafi. (programming, mixing and mastering).

2nd solo album- Suhu by Mohd. Rafi (recording and editing for the whole album).

Song Production For Measat Broadcast Corporate Video, (producer, arranger,
programmer and musician).

Disebalik Bayangan Maya, a theme song and background music for a telemovie by
Laman Seni’ Eurofine (M) Sdn.Bhd. (arranger, programmer)

A.C.I World Annual General Assembly & A.C.I Asia-Pasific Conference &
Exibition Gala Dinner, November 3 rd 2009, (music playback programming and sound
effects direction).

Estranged (sessions)
Versus 2 (Battle Of The Bands for TV9 program, 2013).
Japan Tour (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, April 2014).
Local Performances, Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

Muzika 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 3rd October at Champions Ballroom Arrow On Swanston.

Soara (a project band with the members from Estranged band and  Almaz, a female
vocalist from Jakarta, Indonesia in 2016).
Recorded 6 songs for an independent album

Aweera (studio recording session for song ‘Terhakis’ at The Bengkel Audiowerk, 28 th
Oct, 2014).

Album Launched 2017
Rampage ‘Rempuh’ Live Showcase
(House @ G Tower, 4 th Nov, 2017).
Pesta Armada TLDM Lumut (30 th April 2017).
Karnival Kl Xtravaganza (Taman Tasik Permaisuri, 6th May, 2017).
Tribute To Legend (I-Café Biker Station, 25 th Oct, 2019).