Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Apr 1, 2011

Babbling Twin Babies a Hit on YouTube

A blogging mom landed 15 minutes of fame for her twin baby boys.

Her two-minute YouTube video simply titled “twin baby boys have a conversation” is approaching two million views and has been shown on news outlets around the world.

Everyone just wants to know: what are her cute little boys saying?

In the video, the two kids can be seen standing in a kitchen, wearing nothing but diapers. They’re babbling back and forth, but taking turns at it, almost like they’re debating something serious. Could it be politics? Personal finances?

You’ll have to watch for yourself to find out.

On her blog , the mom writes, “We’ve had a fascinating time seeing language blooming around here.”

“The debate video of the boys’ has REALLY caught on! In a truly overnight, head spinning way. See the piece on ABC News. We are taking a moment to breathe before deciding how far to let this 15 minutes go.” them on youtube!!