Mar 11, 2011

Is Pia Toscano The Next American Idol?

Last week, when it was first revealed that "American Idol" contestant Pia Toscano would be singing last on the top 12 girls' show, in the "pimp spot" usually strategically saved for the producers' favorites, it was a surprise. Pia had received precious little screentime up until then, and probably wasn't on many viewers' radars. But obviously the "Idol" powers-that-be knew what they were doing. Pia's star-making performance of the Pretenders' "I'll Stand By You" brought down the house (garnering the season's first standing ovation from the judges), and instantly established her as a frontrunner. And last night her "Idol" ascendance continued, with her powerhouse performance of "All By Myself" making her one of the most-queried "Idol" contestants today in Yahoo! Search. Over the past 24 hours, Pia's searches have spiked a whopping 516 percent, and she's currently among Yahoo's top 2,000 overall search terms....CLICK HERE FOR MORE..

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