Oct 5, 2011

Barcelona Music & Audio Technology (BMAT)

BMAT specializes in the development of music and audio technology software. We focus our knowledge and passion on one goal – to change the way people interact with music.

Developing technology that utilizes our expertise in music and audio technology, we offer solutions for music discovery, musical edutainment and music copyright detection.

So when it comes to people, as with music, we strive for the best. Bringing in professionals from around the globe - Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Argentina and USA, our team is more than international talent - we are wizards capable of giving soul to the software through music.

BMAT Official Website

Oct 2, 2011

The History of AMPEG AMPS

1969 was a year giants rocked the earth, and they wanted big amps. By that point in history, rock music was the baddest man in the whole damn town. Stadiums and outdoor festivals was where the action was—Madison Square Garden for chrissakes. Fifty watts just wasn't enough to move that chick in the 61st row in her hand-embroidered bellbottoms. It wasn't as if nobody was filling the void—witness the stacks of Marshalls, mountains of Hiwatts, and truckloads of Dual Showmans doing more to promote tinnitus in a single generation since WWII.READ MORE...