Apr 17, 2011

Rhythm Series: Improving Rhythmic Accuracy by Subdividing

by Donovan Stokes

Rhythmic Accuracy

Last time we talked about one of the major physical components rhythm: feeling the beat internally. However, for the performer there are two components to rhythm, physical and mental. Accurate execution of musical rhythm requires the cultivation of both aspects. One important mental element needed to precisely perform rhythms is active subdivision.


Most of us understand that the musical beat can be divided into smaller parts (i.e. subdivided). While theoretically a beat can be subdivided into any number of equal or non-equal parts, in practice it is generally subdivided into 9 or fewer equal parts. Most common are subdivisions of 2, 3 or 4. Few people have trouble understanding this concept intellectually.

For the performing musician, however, subdivision must go beyond theoretical understanding. Although it is certainly necessary to, at any given moment, comprehend how a beat is subdivided, this is not enough to ensure proper rhythmic execution. We must actively subdivide the beat mentally while we are playing, if we are to achieve precision. CLICK HERE FOR MORE..

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