Apr 13, 2011

Bass Guitar Designer’s Toolkit

Jerzy Drozd
Instructional DVD

Want to design your own bass? No experience? No problem! At least that’s what Jerzy Drozd says. The acclaimed bass designer and builder recently released his Bass Guitar Designer’s Tooklit, a step-by-step DVD tutorial for turning concept into reality. Never having broached the subject of bass design myself, I decided to take a look at BGDT to see how a “non-tech” guy like me would fare.

Bass Guitar Designer’s Tooklit includes a combination of video and PDF tutorials, providing all the tools and guidance necessary to begin the intricate process of bass design -- even if you’re a total beginner! The DVD opens with a video of Jerzy recounting his background and the trial-and-error ordeals that inspired him to develop this instructional guide. While Drozd acknowledges that his English is less than grammatically perfect (“My English sucks” is how he so eloquently states it!), he invites the viewer to have a laugh at his expense. Truthfully, you’ll have no trouble understanding any of the points he makes. In fact, I admire him for having the guts to put himself in the spotlight. MORE....

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